Online Edit/Conform, 2D VFX/Cleanup, Cosmetic/Beauty

(2006 - 2007)

Derek completed work on the second season of the show, which had between 40 and 80 shots per episode requiring improvement to the practical makeup on certain cast members.

"Post-Production Supervisor Jeff MacVittie knew what was possible on our conform/composite finishing system and asked me to do a test of some of the beauty work on the very first episode.  The shots turned out great and took a lot less time than sending them all to a dedicated VFX room, so we ended up doing almost all of the beauty work on the show in the conform/composite system."
This was a departure from the workflow of the previous season.

"In the end, we did what was in our client's bests interests by offering a more cost-effective approach to meet their needs.  I think people remember that - it helps grow a stronger business relationship."

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